Sacred Somatic Journeys
I’ll be holding a supportive space for you to finish trauma cycles, and release what is no longer yours to hold on to. Using a mixture of breathwork, sound and bodywork, together we will open the doorways to your heart to lead you back into your body and your heart space; your true self.
Allowing more room in yourself for you.
During a session I bring my hands and presences to your body to help bring your awareness into your physical body so you can feel what is locked inside.
I will hold space for you and witness your journey through the felt sense.
I have found this work life changing: I feel more room in my heart for myself, less stressed and anxious. More able to be present in my life and see the joy in it.
Sessions are 1.30hrs-1.45hrs long depending on what you need in the session.
Starting price will be £60 throughout August & September
Then there will be a pricing scale of £65-£80 pay what you can afford.
Please massage me if you would like to book a slot - evenings and weekends available
Thank you