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Reiki Shares & Nami Community 

Reiki Shares; Gathering a community of like minded people who have trained in any type of Reiki; level 1 and above.


We meet once a month to share reiki on each other, working as a group while one person receives. We also discuss our personal journey with Reiki, healing and spirituality. This space is open and non judgmental a place for you to be your authentic self.

Our shares are run in Exmouth, UK- by donation

Please get in contact to find out more 


Nami Community;

My goal for this group is to create a safe space to gather people to be their authentic selves and carry on with support in their healing journey between circles and sessions.


This space is for women and men to talk about their healing journey, things they found that helped them, would like to try or are researching.

I believe in exploring and debating the wonders of our healing journey and world.


Please always share your own experience only and respect others. 

We are all different and each person will have their own unique journey

Please contact me to join our What's app group. 



Reiki share
Reiki share
Reiki share
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